Parents who have good information are better equipped to help their children with the learning process.As you go into your first parent-teacher conference this year, the following questions can help you get all the information you will need:
Parents Can Model Good Listening Skills for Children
Look on any report card and you won’t see a class marked “Listening.” Yet studies show that children spend between 50 and 75 percent of their time listening.
Children need to learn listening skills. Parents can model good listening behavior for your child. Here are some tips to become a better listener:
Help Your Child Develop Healthy Homework Habits
Kids whose parents treat homework lightly have a harder time doing it. Taking these steps can help ensure your child develops good homework habits:
Teach Your Child How to Be Safe All Through the Year
Parents can’t always be with children to keep them safe. Kids need to know some common-sense rules to keep themselves safe.
Doing the following things will increase your child’s ability to avoid danger and handle emergency situations:
This material was reproduced from the September 1999 issue of the Parents make a difference! Newsletter published by The Parent Institute.