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Rainbow Club

Rainbow Club

Rainbow Club Logo




Join Tr. Masz for Rainbow Club! This is a social club open to all LGBTQIA+ students, their friends, families, and allies.

Each meeting will have time for members to connect, create, collaborate, and take action!

Club Meeting Dates

3rd + 4th Grade Cohort

Wednesday, September 25

Wednesday, October 9

Wednesday, October 23

Wednesday, November 6

Wednesday, November 20

Wednesday, December 11

Wednesday, January 8

Wednesday, January 22

Wednesday, February 12

Wednesday, March 5

Wednesday, March 19

Wednesday, April 2

Wednesday, April 23

Wednesday, May 7

Wednesday, May 21

Wednesday, June 4

5th Grade Cohort

Wednesday, October 2

Wednesday, October 16

Wednesday, October 30

Wednesday, November 13

Wednesday, December 4

Wednesday, December 18

Wednesday, January 15

Wednesday, February 5

Wednesday, February 26

Wednesday, March 12

Wednesday, March 26

Wednesday, April 9

Wednesday, April 30

Wednesday, May 14

Wednesday, May 28

Wednesday, June 11

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Rainbow Club?
A Rainbow Club is an elementary school version of a GSA (Gender-Sexuality Alliance). At the middle and high school level, a GSA provides a safe and supportive place for LGBTQIA+ students and allies to create community. At the elementary school level, these clubs can touch on topics of family, identity, and respect. They can be a space for LGBTQIA+ students and allies to connect and hold space for each other. Rainbow Clubs promote a safe, healthy school climate and an anti-bullying message.

Who can attend Rainbow Club?
Any FRES students are welcome to attend Rainbow Club! Students do not need to identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community to attend – allies are welcome!

Can caregivers attend meetings?
Due to space constraints and school guidelines, we are limited to having two caregiver volunteers per meeting. A sign-up will be sent out before our first meeting.

What do students need to bring to meetings?
Students are encouraged to bring a snack and water bottle. All other supplies and materials will be provided.

Do students need to attend all meetings to be part of the club?
No. If a student can't make every meeting, that is okay! Please be sure to let Tr. Masz know if your student will not be attending to help expedite attendance.

What topics will be discussed at Rainbow Club?
This year we will be learning about respect, empathy, identity, gender, family, friendships, anti-bullying, acceptance, and more. After each meeting, Tr. Masz will send out an email detailing what was discussed so that families can continue these important conversations at home.

How can I support the Rainbow Library?
You can buy items from our Amazon Wishlist and have them shipped directly to the school. We truly appreciate it!